Principles Of Paleontology Pdf

The School of Geosciences has state of the art research facilities across a broad spectrum of the geosciences. Ranging from field instruments to experimental apparatus to computing software and hardware, the School of Geosciences provides students with the tools necessary to complete cutting edge research. Algorithms and data structures, principles, concepts, and methods of computing, problem solving in computing, programming techniques, and programming and computer languages. Coursework in computer applications will not be applicable. O Dance: Choreography, dance history, dance production, dance styles (jazz. In person at a federal recreation facility, (see PDF list of sites that issue passes). By mail using this application form (PDF).Note: the cost of obtaining an Access Pass through the mail is $10 for processing the application – the pass is free.

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The School of Geosciences is telecommuting and will not have regular office hours during this time. All staff are available via email.

For information regarding OU's response to the current pandemic and plans for the Spring 2021 academic semester, please visit:

The University of Oklahoma and Mewbourne College are continually monitoring COVID-19. Click below to find the latest information on OU's response to the pandemic. OU Together is a resource dedicated to up-to-date information on OU's plan for the Fall 2020 academic semester.

Assistant Professor in Applied Structural Geology/Tectonics

The School of Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma (OU) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Applied Structural Geology / Tectonics at the rank of Assistant Professor. The position will contribute to and expand upon existing interdisciplinary strengths in the department via the study of the 3D architecture and evolution of Earth's surface/crust, associated deformation and deformation processes, and applications to practical questions. The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in a related field at the time of appointment and exhibit strong research potential. Further, the candidate must have an interest in teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses and mentoring graduate students. Example courses include, but are not limited to Applied Structural Geology, Tectonic Geomorphology, Faulted & Fractured Reservoirs, and Tectonics & Climate. The candidate is expected to establish an innovative, independent, and externally funded research program, build collaborations within and outside the School, and work with colleagues and students toward OU’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals. Salary and start-up funds will be commensurate with experience.

We are looking for a broad-minded colleague whose skills and interests will complement and build upon existing areas of research within the department. The research area is open, but can include topics such as; landscape evolution and geologic hazards, the structure and long-term stability of subsurface reservoirs, and tectonics & the carbon cycle. The School of Geosciences, part of the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, has a large, vibrant faculty with a broad range of research activities in energy geosciences, paleoclimate and environmental geology, seismicity and earth structure, among others. Current emphases include induced seismicity, groundwater flow, and subsurface reservoir characterization and monitoring. The position supports college initiatives and research priorities in energy geosciences, seismicity, and water. The position also integrates into university-wide major research initiatives in energy, resiliency, and computer/data science.


The School of Geosciences in the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy at the University of Oklahoma (OU) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Environmental Geophysics at the rank of Assistant Professor to start in August 2021. This position is part of three new positions to be filled at the School of Geosciences, which are part of a university-wide strategic shift towards collaborative, convergent research that addresses pressing societal needs. We seek colleagues who will establish innovative, independent, and externally funded research programs; build collaborations within and outside the School; teach and mentor undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds; and work with colleagues and students toward OU’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals.


The University of Oklahoma seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in critical zone (CZ) geoscience to join the School of Geosciences in the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy. This position is part of a strategic shift towards collaborative, convergent research that addresses pressing societal needs. In particular, this position will help OU develop and strengthen burgeoning transdisciplinary collaborations across environmental science, policy, and justice by integrating knowledge and expertise from OU’s research strengths in geoscience, meteorology, geography, anthropology, environmental science and engineering, public policy, economics, and community planning focused around key issues that affect how humans live and work sustainably within our ecosystem. Potential areas of research include, but are not limited to, geomorphology, soil science, groundwater/surface water interactions, geobiology, geomicrobiology, biogeochemistry, carbon and/or nutrient cycling in soils and the hydrosphere, computational modeling of CZ processes, responses of the CZ to climate change (past, present, or future), and/or isotope geochemistry applied to critical zone processes.

We seek a colleague who will engage with both the research and teaching missions of the University and work with faculty, staff, and students to address diversity, equity, and inclusion issues within the geosciences. We expect that this faculty member will teach a general education geoscience course (e.g. Earth, Energy, and the Environment; Physical Geology, History of Earth and Life, the Dynamic Earth; Earth Resources and the Environment; or a new course of their design), as well as develop and teach upper level undergraduate and graduate courses within their area of expertise and/or contribute to teach one or more of our required major courses (e.g. Earth History, Principles of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Invertebrate Paleontology, GeoWriting, Introduction to Field Geology, Field Camp, etc.).


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the School of Geosciences

Recent events, coupled with the long history of anti-black racism in the U.S., motivate the School of Geosciences to redouble our efforts to address issues of systemic racism. Our faculty and staff are committed to ongoing education and dialogue focused on removing historical barriers for underrepresented communities.

As our Director, Dr. Lynn Soreghan, reiterated this week, she and others in the School of Geosciences are committed to “listening to those who have endured systemic racism and all manner of discrimination, to leading our department in reading and learning about the issues, to working with our students, staff, and faculty to cultivate an inclusive and encouraging environment, and to creating a diverse geoscience program poised to lead us into a better future on planet Earth.”

The School is dedicated to offering the equitable educational experience that all students deserve. In addition, the Mewbourne College has a dedicated website highlighting initiatives focused on furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion in the College. For more resources please visit: MCEE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

OU Field Camp Video

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BLM Accessibility Program

The BLM is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has an equitable opportunity to access their public lands by providing access to facilities, programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. The information below provides details on opportunities, resources, laws, policies, and guidelines.

The America the Beautiful - Access Pass is a free, lifetime pass available to United States citizens or permanent residents that have a permanent disability and may offer free or reduced rates at fee sites on many federal lands. More information can be found in the 'Access Pass' section below.

Veterans with Disabilities

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The BLM commitment to providing accessible recreational opportunities includes those injured while serving in the military.

Most of the work the BLM does with veterans groups is at the local District or Field Office level. The BLM works with non-profit groups, guided outfitters, and veterans organizations in coordinating a number of recreational opportunities and events for veterans and their families. Several events include the annual Veterans Family Fishing Classic at Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and the Palm Beach Veterans Wheelchair Accessible Boat Fishing events in Florida and a whitewater rafting trip on the Colorado River through Westwater Canyon in eastern Utah.

The BLM works with many organizations that focus on helping disabled individuals and veterans experience the proven benefits of participating in outdoor activities. These groups include:

Principles Of Invertebrate Paleontology Pdf

  • Project Healing Waters (Fly Fishing)
  • Disabled Sports USA (Warfighter Sports program)
  • FishingCommunity.Org (Fisheries for Veterans Project)
  • Wilderness Inquiry, Inc. (Inclusive Outdoor Adventures)